Khaab Khayaal Saraab |
Tuesday, January 25, 2005Vivi-what?Did I send you this little summary? About Blogging and suchlike. (Wrote it in a mail to Hedtke):You don't have to care about *all* this, but my main blog is at: http://ifaqeer.blogspot.com/ Started another blog a while back that I am in the process of converting to one about life in Silicon Valley: http://wadiwallah.blogspot.com/ I dump stray thoughts at: http://khaabkhayaalsaraab.blogspot.com/ and, in particular, am thinking of using the following entry as the base for a website: http://khaabkhayaalsaraab.blogspot.com/2004_01_11_khaabkhayaalsaraab_archive.html#107404144449494905 On the Wiki side, so far, I have convinced the folks at Wikia/Wikicities [spin-off from Wikipedia, I think] to host: http://genealogy.wikicities.com/index.php/Main_Page My Wikipedia page is at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:IFaqeer and you can find what I have been up to at: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&target=IFaqeer Thursday, January 20, 2005CSM on The War for MuslimMindsChristian Science Monitor, January 04, 2005http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0104/p17s02-bogn.html War on terror is part of a larger battle within the Muslim world September 11 was only incidentally about Americans By Thomas D'Evelyn Reading Gilles Kepel's new book, "The War for MuslimMinds," challenges one's sense of scale. Crucial, irreversible steps such as George W. Bush's earlydecision not to pursue the Palestinian-Israeli peaceprocess and the neoconservatives' justification for theIraq war, take on new meaning when seen in contextof the enormous geopolitical scope of Islam today. In short, while the US administration believes thatWestern values will appeal to the hearts and minds ofthe Muslim world, the Muslim world is consumed withits own internal debates that dwarf those of the West.In this sense, 9/11 was only incidentally about "us."Kepel, a professor of Middle East studies at theInstitutde of Political Studies in Paris, gathers his earlythemes in the following statement: "The attacks on thetwin towers and the Pentagon were not a thunderboltout of the blue. They were part of a precise, carefullyconsidered program that combined the logic of jihad,the operational tactics of guerrilla warfare, theopportunistic advantages offered by the Arab-Israeliconflict during the second intifada, and the politicalinfluence of neoconservative ideology on US foreignpolicy - all of which worked to the advantage of radicalIslamism."While Kepel's book helps us to see how Americanstrategies influence debates within the Islamic world,we also begin to understand the "war on terror" notas "Bush's war" but as a war waged by militant Islamistsfor the minds of Muslims. Osama bin Laden, he argues,has not won that war yet, but both Russia, with its warin Chechnya, and the US, with its wars in Afghanistanand Iraq, have inadvertently fueled the cause ofradical Islam.In later chapters on "Saudi Arabia in the eye of thestorm," "the calamity of nation building in Iraq," and"the battle for Europe," Kepel describes thecrosscurrents and conflicts that characterize the Muslimworld today.Easy to read (no footnotes but a good bibliographyfor each chapter), this persuasive book challenges theAmerican perspective on the war on terror and, moreimportant reveals the rich complexity of contemporaryIslam.What's more, Kepel's final pages on the integration ofyoung progressive Muslims in Europe hold out apromise for a better world.? Thomas D'Evelyn is an editorial consultant inProvidence, R.I.The War for Muslim Minds: Islam and the WestBy Gilles KepelBelknap/Harvard320 pp., $26Full HTML version of this story which may includephotos, graphics, and related linkswww.csmonitor.com | Copyright © 2005 The ChristianScience Monitor. All rights reserved.For permission to reprint/republish this article, pleaseemail Copyright Monday, January 03, 2005Conversation on Islam, the 21st Century and the WestBeen listening to the two parts of the following on C-SPAN over the last few days.Reuel Gerecht, in particular, is interesting. He thinks Bernard Lewis has it right; but he doesn't come out sounding as ... shall we say... patronising? Others include Sageman (numbers, etc.), of course Jessica Stern, Karen Greenberg (Exec Dir. of NYU's Center for Law and Security), Aimee Ibrahim of DFI International, and so on...Paul Eedle, founder of Out There News Anatol Lieven says (quoting a metaphor used by Lawrence Wright for Saudi Arabia before him) "Pakistan is not exactly a hypnotized chicken, but it is a very depressed chicken." He seems important as a scholar on Pakistan...."The form of Islam espoused by Al-Qa'eda ... is a modern creation." Kamran Bokhari is at StratFor? ------EVENT New America Foundation & NYU Law Center Panel on Al-Qaeda - Part 2 The New America Foundation & the NYU Law Center host a day-long conference called "Al-Qaeda 2.0: Transnational Terrorism After 9/11." Authors Peter Bergin & Michael Scheuer (AKA, Anonymous) are among the participants. The panels cover organization, who joins, European presence, rising militantism, U.S. presence, media strategy, and influence in Pakistan & Saudi Arabia. 12/2/2004: WASHINGTON, DC: 7 hr. 45 min. -------------------------- Inside British Jihad by WBUR Boston's Inside Out: http://www.insideout.org/documentaries/britishjihad/ And their On Point's Islam in Europe: http://www.onpointradio.org/shows/2005/01/20050124_a_main.asp |